Monaco Smart & Sustainable Marina


Nbax Architecture & Design – Austria – winner 2022

Empowering Architects in Marina Design

Architects play a pivotal role in shaping the future of marinas. Their expertise in design, functionality, and aesthetics is crucial in creating marina spaces that are not only visually stunning but also efficient, safe, and sustainable. 

Through our platform, architects have the opportunity to engage in collaborative projects with other industry professionals, including engineers, landscape architects, and marine specialists. By fostering interdisciplinary collaborations, we aim to drive innovation and create holistic marina designs that harmonize with the surrounding environment while meeting the evolving needs of marina users.


5 reasons to attend #monacosmartmarina

A new ecosystem of relations between great professionals

By learning about the latest innovations and trends in marina design and construction.

Connect with industry experts and fellow architects to share ideas and knowledge.

Through participation in the International Smart & Sustainable Marina Awards, which recognizes excellence in marina architecture and design.

reasons to attend monaco smartmarina

In materials, technologies, and building techniques that are shaping the future of marina design and construction.

To marina design and construction, and contribute to the creation of more sustainable marinas.

The Architect Award process


open call form

The architecture award process begins with the open call form, where architects can apply to participate inthe competition.



Once selected, they will receive a book of specifications outlining the details of a Floating Marina, including energy optimization and materials.


design a floating marina

The architects will then design a Floating Marina based on these specifications and submit their work to the jury members for assessment.



The jury members will evaluate the designs based on their creativity, innovation, and sustainability. The top three designs will be selected as finalists and presented at the Smart Marina event.



At the event, attendees will have the opportunity to vote for their favourite design and determine the winner of the architecture award.

the architect award process for the monaco smart sustainable marina

Snohetta – Norway – Coup de coeur 2022

discover architect award process monaco smart sustainable marina

Architects Baca – UK – Participant 2022

ARR – Bulgaria – Participant 2022

Monaco Smart & Sustainable Marina